2 thoughts on “Software Testing Alone”

  1. To my mind the worst element about being the only member of a test team must surely be the added onus of continual improvement. In a team, there’s a perpetual and natural feedback into each other where everyone is adapting to different ways of working and new ideas. This in turn generates your own new ideas which feeds back into the others.

    When you’re on your own, you’ve got to work harder else you’ll stay still and your skills will become irrelevant.

  2. I quite agree.

    Incidentally, I will shortly be welcoming a new colleague thus making the testing team two in number. That we’ve appointed another tester reflects the fact there is an increasing amount of work that I must do here, and I cannot currently give it enough attention. Personal/professional development is only realistic during the “slack time” between projects. Being able to spread the workload should enable me to pick this up again!

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